Sunday, August 15, 2010

Detox Juice Recipes

Detox Juice
Blend the juice of ¼ beetroot, ½ lemon, 2 celery sticks and 2 carrots with a pinch of turmeric and ½tsp extra virgin olive oil.

Detox Antioxidant Smoothie
Great served as a breakfast or mid-morning snack.
Put 5 blueberries, 5 strawberries, 5 goji berries (optional), 1 kiwi, juice of ½ a lemon or 1tbsp apple cider vinegar, plus 3tbsp water in a blender, and whizz until smooth.

Digestive Enzyme Smoothie
Enjoy after any meal, to help your digestive system in its important work.
Put 2 slices pineapple, ½ papaya (cubed), 2tbsp low-fat plain bio yogurt, juice ½ a lemon (optional) and 1 sprig mint in a blender, and whizz until smooth.

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